Spam isn’t just a meat product

I used to keep a blog on this site on two occasions before this current blog. One thing that I remember from the second attempt, and something I’m seeing return with this blog, is spam comments.  Every comment submitted to me has been spam; I haven’t received any legitimate comments at all. Now fortunately, I moderate all of the comments, so no garbage is getting posted here.  But it would be nice to receive a legitimate comment, for a change.

Why I am a Texan

Today’s (Sept. 15, 2013) Houston Chronicle has an article on how NASA’s Johnson Space Center came to be located in the Houston area, a decision that had a profound effect on my life. Because the space center was in Houston, my parents moved down there after they got married, and I was born there and grew up there. I made many friends down there, people I still consider friends some 40-50 years later.

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My September 11 Story

Originally posted to my website in 2002

With the first anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaching, I’ve decided to post my 9/11 story to my blog. Compared to others, my story of September 11 is nothing. I was not there; I was home in Detroit. I had no family members or friends directly involved [I did have a friend report on the aftermath, though], although my brother-in-law is a Federal employee.

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Are you ready for some football?

It’s a Saturday in September, so that means it’s time for college football. If one were so inclined, he or she could spend over 12 hours watching college football, from high noon to midnight or even beyond. Today, I have seen parts of the UCLA-Nebraska game and the Alabama-Texas A&M game, and I’ve seen all of the Michigan State-Youngstown State game, a game won handily by the Spartans, 55-17. And I know I’m not alone in that regard.

Then there’s tomorrow, and NFL Red Zone awaits.


Hello world!

Welcome to my revamped website. I’ve decided to get with the times and redo my website as a blog. I’m not sure how often I’ll be posting yet; I’ll figure that out as I go along.

Much of the information that was on my old homepage can be found on my About page. Links are on the right side of the page, lower down than they used to be. A link to my old homepage, with the links that may or may not migrate over here, is in the menu at the top of each page.